KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hopes that Malaysians, regardless of faith, will be generous and compassionate enough to help those in need.
In a posting to mark Christmas Day, the Prime Minister in his blog www.1malaysia.com.my said that those who required aid included the infirm and the poor.
“In this spirit of generosity, we ought also to demonstrate kindness towards our natural environment.”
He said a greener Christmas was possible, for example, by passing on unwanted gifts, packaging presents in recycled wrapping paper and using Christmas lights sparingly.
“This festive season, as enjoyable as it is, can produce excesses, even in these financially less liberating times,” Najib said.
However, he believed that for the Christians, this season marked a time to spread goodwill and cheer, particularly among the less fortunate.
He said Christmas also offered the people yet another opportunity to unwind in the company of family, friends and neighbours.
Christmas, he said, also gave an opportunity to Christians to reach out to other communities.
“Like the Hari Raya before it, why not use the occasion to bring together guests from different backgrounds under one roof? On this note, I wish all those celebrating this most special day a joyous, peaceful and harmonious Christ—mas,” he said. — Bernama
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