So where on earth are we?
- 1.94 per cent - The rise in global CO2 emissions in 2008, totaling 31.5 billion metric tons. The tenth year in succession that emissions have risen, not declined.
- 15 to 21 per cent - Planned cuts from industrialized nations excluding the United States, by 2020. Well short of cuts of 40 per cent required to avoid the worst of global warming.
- 70 to 75 per cent - The majority of the American public who accept climate change is real, humans are largely responsible, and we need to do something about it. Phew.
- 80 per cent by 2050 - Agreed goal for CO2 reductions by G8 leaders in July this year. Good but not quite good enough.
- 82 per cent - The amount Ray Anderson and Interface have cut their emissions by.
- 2 degrees Celsius - The global warming limit backed by the G8, China and India.
- US$67 billion - The amount African leaders want each year to help mitigate the effects of global warming on their continent.
- US$170 billion - The amount invested globally into renewable energy in 2008.
- US$720 billion - The estimated amount required for clean energy each year for the world to reverse the runaway trend in CO2 emissions.
- 150 - The number of years ago the first commercial oil well in the US started pumping (thanks Stokely).
- 350 - OneHundredMonths endorser, Dr Rajendra K Pachauri confirms 350 is the bottom-line for the planet.
- 400+ - The number of cinemas involved in the US launch of The Age of Stupid. Here's the trailer.
- 452 metres - There is a prize for the winning guess.
- 7 billion - Number of people on the earth by 2011.
- 10:10 - Everyone's at it. Buying planes. And you're invited too.
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